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Women's Health
On this page you will find links to pages with useful information about women's health and gynaecological issues. Please contact us if you have suggestions about other topics we could cover.
HPV Vaccines and Cervical Screening
HPV infection is very common. Most people will not realise they are infected, but in some it can cause cancer.
Preventing HPV infection is easier than trying to cure the diseases it causes. Read more about the HPV vaccine and the Cervical Screening Programme in Malta.

Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
PPROM is a complication of pregnancy that happens when the waters break early. Treatment of PPROM varies depending on the stage of pregnancy when it happens.
Unfortunately, women in Malta who suffer a PPROM in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, before the fetus can survive outside the womb, are not offered an abortion due to restrictive laws. This can put their health and lives at risk.

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