During this MEP campaign we have sent out an electronic letter to all candidates that asks them to describe their position on sexual education, contraception, and the decriminalisation of abortion. The letter is published below, along with the responses of MEP candidates.
Our letter
Dear Maltese MEP Candidate,
As a constituent and a member of Doctors for Choice, I am writing to you ahead of the upcoming elections to inquire about your stance on the decriminalization of abortion. Our organization advocates for the rights and health of individuals who can become pregnant, recognizing that access to safe and legal abortion care is an essential component of comprehensive healthcare.
It is imperative that MEPs uphold their responsibility to protect the rights and well-being of all individuals, including those who require access to abortion services. Abortion care is healthcare, as acknowledged by international guidelines such as those set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Therefore, it is crucial that legislative measures align with these standards to ensure the safety and dignity of those seeking abortion services.
Additionally, I would like to emphasize the importance of promoting comprehensive sex education and ensuring free access to contraception for all individuals. Doctors for Choice advocates for policies that facilitate easy and cost-free access to contraception, as well as comprehensive sex education for people of all ages. These measures are fundamental to empowering individuals to make informed choices about their reproductive health and preventing unintended pregnancies.
In light of the above, I would appreciate hearing your views on the following questions:
1. What is your stance on the decriminalization of abortion?
2. How do you plan to ensure that individuals have access to safe and legal abortion care?
3. Are you willing to support and promote comprehensive sex education for all individuals?
4. What measures will you take to ensure free access to contraception for those who need it?
Your responses to these questions will help me and other voters make informed decisions in the upcoming elections. We believe that policies that prioritize reproductive rights, including access to abortion care, comprehensive sex education, and free contraception, are essential for promoting public health and gender equality.
Please note that Doctors for Choice intends to publish the responses received to this letter to ensure transparency and inform the public about candidates' positions on these critical issues. We will also make any lack of responses public on our website too.
Thank you for considering these important issues, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Natalie Psaila
Doctors for Choice Malta
Sandra Gauci, MEP Candidate for Greens/ADPD
1) Totally in favour of decriminalization. A woman who has had an abortion is not a criminal.
2) By keeping on campaigning and educating that abortion is healthcare and putting pressure in every way possible together with discussing with the government. As an MEP I can voice the ordeal maltese women are treated on a bigger stronger platform.
3) Yes I am as it is very lacking. Even adults need to benefit from some sort of campaign
4) We need to bring back the family planning clinic which would serve as a Hub for free contraception and also more condom machines installed across the country as sometimes shame still exists when buying them
Matthias Iannis Portelli, MEP Candidate for Volt Malta
1. What is your stance on the decriminalisation of abortion?
As a politician from the first pro-choice party, it is natural that I advocate for individuals to regain control over their own bodies, and to have the right of choice over their life. This right to make autonomous decisions about their own life, is the very definition of truly being free in my books. In line with this, I wholeheartedly support the decriminalisation of abortion, as well as its legalisation.
2. How do you plan to ensure that individuals have access to safe and legal abortion care?
As an MEP, alongside other Volt MEPs elected across Europe, we want to make abortion on request accessible in law and practice across the EU by removing all undue burdens and barriers to accessing and providing abortion care. We will also press for the inclusion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the EU Treaties and of the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
To make this possible, as well as our other proposals, we will call for Treaty change to make Public and Human Health and Education shared legislative competencies, allowing the European Union to introduce common standards by law.
Meanwhile on the national level our policies are here
3. Are you willing to support and promote comprehensive sex education for all individuals?
Yes, I fully support and am committed to promoting comprehensive sex education that is factual, inclusive, and accessible to everyone. In its manifesto for the EU elections, Volt MEPs have committed to propose an inclusive, standardised, Europe wide SRHR school curriculum, reflecting the variety of sexual and romantic orientations and gender identities, in line with UNESCO guidelines.
4. What measures will you take to ensure free access to contraception for those who need it?
Volt MEPs have set ought to ensure that all forms of contraception are provided free of charge or reimbursed by insurance for all people regardless of age
Our SRHR policies can be found on pg 39 of our EU programme, which all Volt parties are running with. It can be found here.