Artikli satiriċi dwar id-dibattitu fuq l-abort
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‘What about me? I’m life too!’ sperm cell tells Maltese anti-choice activists
21 December, 2022 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: http://bit.ly/3kz9oxn
REVEALED: Jason Azzopardi secretly working for pro-choice movement
1 December, 2022 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: http://bit.ly/3kCfHAg
‘I don’t want to be born, actually,’ says Maltese foetus
1 October, 2022 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: http://bit.ly/3ZSFC6Z
I don’t actually do anything, President reassures Repubblika
4 August, 2021 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: http://bit.ly/3XEJV4g
Ivan Grech Mintoff declares himself pro-choice when it comes to paying libel damages
21 June, 2021 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: http://bit.ly/3HnbKJ0
Undead man wishes Maltese people cared about him as much as they do about the unborn
26 May, 2021 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3iJXyxE
Pro-life Maltese man throws bag of kittens into the sea
20 May, 2021 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3vvmwDE
TVM viewers left feeling confused and angry by relatively civil, mature discussion show
15 October, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/39Mpqfo
Maltese woman charged with witchcraft
25 September, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/39HEtH0
Abortion Beef Is Brewing And Malta’s Doctors Are Stirring The Pot
14 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3dBvnwH
Arguing with pro-lifers worse than being aborted, study shows
11 September, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3rSLsmE
Maltese pro-lifer sure does wish death on a lot of people
3 September, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/31PxpUC
Abortion Stick placed back in cabinet
1 September, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3fFFxPy
Village idiots distance themselves from Jean Claude Micallef
21 July, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3wtsKWe
Pineapple does not belong on pizza, says Therese Comodini Cachia
10 July, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3dF06Jl
It’s pretty sweet here in Heaven, aborted Maltese foetus tells Jean Claude Micallef
15 June, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3hOn58y
Gift of Life calls on government to protect the rights of the coronavirus
20 March, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/2V05Ll4
Stennieni l-Qorti: How a satirical page managed to get an official apology from Malta’s most prominent anti-abortion group
4 February, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2WZon5V
Pro-lifers overtake racists as most hateful group in Malta
3 February, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/2WXj8Ul
I will never get an abortion, declares George Vella
28 January, 2020 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/39vABGb
These 11 Maltese Pro-Choice TikToks Will Make You Laugh, Cry And Want To Mobilise
15 August, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3sSRDbS
President George Vella to have Doctors for Life ad projected onto face
2 July, 2019 - Bis-Serjetà. Read: https://bit.ly/3dLumkK