Artikoli fil-Ġurnali li jmorru lura għat-tnedija tagħna fl-2019
Ectopic pregnancy treatment highlights health risks of abortion ban
9 December, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3f1dYSy
Mater Dei consultant reviews delay in treating ectopic pregnancy
8 December, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3BS0qBI
Rights denied women
8 December, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3QVcS7Z
The morning after pill does not cause abortion
6 December, 2020 - Malta Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3DwBaSR
Malta: l’ultimo paese europeo che vieta l’aborto. Intervista a Voice for Choice
2 December, 2020 - BL Magazine. Read: https://bit.ly/3BQMCY4
Life-saving treatment for ectopic pregnancy depends on board that works till 2:30pm
2 December, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3R9v26l
“X’ħin sirt naf li jien tqila, kont ixxukkjata. Kont mentalment imkissra, imma kont konvinta mill-għażla tal-abort”
1 December, 2020 - TVM News. Read: https://bit.ly/3xzzLXH
Maltese Doctors Are Forced To Find Legal Loopholes To Terminate Life-Threatening Pregnancies
1 December, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3f0nmpA
1 December, 2020 - Wham. Read: https://bit.ly/3qR6qVc
Maltese Pro-Choice Activists Decry Tough Abortion Laws That Forced A Woman To Wait To End Her Unviable Pregnancy
1 December, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3QWsvfv
Abortion misinformation
1 December, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3BR9lDp
Maltese Woman With Unviable Pregnancy Faced Potentially Life-Threatening Delays Due To Tough Abortion Laws
30 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2KKI5yk
'Two-day wait' for go-ahead to end ectopic pregnancy
30 November, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3LqV7w7
Woman denied immediate treatment to end life-threatening ectopic pregnancy until board decision
30 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3UmgL9a
Let’s Put Ourselves In The Shoes Of Women Who Need Abortions Before Judging Them
28 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3QV9n1l
Pro-Choice Activist - Being and becoming a pro-choice activist in Malta
28 November, 2020 - Wham. Read: https://bit.ly/3LwOQ2g
Engerer breaks ranks to support MEP vote condemning Polish abortion ban
27 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3BuNU9J
Emergency contraception: our women’s needs are paramount
25 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3RNUgrT
“I am pro-life and pro-compassion" - My persepective on being pro-life
24 November, 2020 - Wham. Read: https://bit.ly/3Dydj5h
Nonviable pregnancy - Christopher Barbara
23 November, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3Lr8zAj
Abortion and Choice in Malta: Interview with Doctors for Choice
18 November, 2020 - Womenonweb.org. Read: https://bit.ly/3QWpXhr
Anti-choice readers - Isabel Stabile
18 November, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3f314Dl
Rosianne Cutajar: ‘Malta Is The Only European Country To Criminalise Abortion’
17 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3eVzwzT
Rosianne Cutajar calls out Edwin Vassallo for stating the morning-after pill is abortive
16 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3dk9yG0
We need to stop spreading lies about the Morning After Pill
16 November, 2020 - Malta Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3LnLuP1
Dan hu l-uniku pajjiż fl-Ewropa li jikkriminalizza l-abort
16 November, 2020 - Talk.mt. Read: https://bit.ly/3dtyMS3
Malta needs an Equality Act – Renee Laiviera
15 November, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3DwvrMR
Film li jżid l-istigma u jagħti idea żbaljata tal-abort
12 November, 2020 - Talk.mt. Read: https://bit.ly/3qLctum
Health Ministry Offers No Imminent Solutions To Malta’s Contraceptive Crisis
12 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3Uor5NV
L-Iżlanda Tipproponi Abort B’Xejn lil Malta u ‘l-Polonja
9 November, 2020 - Strada RJALI. Read: https://bit.ly/3Bp76Wt
Pro-choice doctors call on 'anti-abortion propaganda film' to stop being shown in schools
9 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3dnzqRh
Iceland Wants To Help Women In Malta Get Abortions For Free
7 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3QY4xAq
Rosianne Cutajar Says Every Pharmacy In Malta Should Sell Emergency Contraception
07 November, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3q2hNrZ
Women leaders call out reduced availability of morning-after pill
04 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2RYZ5oE
As the world looks at Poland, women in Malta have it worse
03 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3wEgjXe
We called 120 pharmacies: buying the morning-after pill on Sunday is an arduous task
02 November, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3cKhA7n
Muscat’s ‘belated realization’: better late than never
29 October, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2SrnELf
Potentiality and personhood: personal views
28 October, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3wvJVX4
From Satanic Sex To Boss Nun: This Is The Story Of The Earliest Abortion On Record In Malta
25 October, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2TYATTQ
We need to talk about abortion
21 October, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3iI1IWF
Equality bill misconceptions
19 October,, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/35q2i3w
Calls To Get An Abortion On Prime Time TV Segment
15 October, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3zC4Olp
Conscientiously Objecting to Malta’s Proposed Conscientious Objection
11 October, 2020 - LovinMalta. Read: https://bit.ly/3gqfJXH
Dear Maltese Politicians, Stop Coming Out In Favour Of Abortion When Your Careers Are No Longer On The Line
9 October, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2RGmVoP
‘Women should decide on abortion’ – Muscat
8 October, 2020 - Newsbook. Read: https://bit.ly/3hJyXsk
Joseph Muscat Says Abortion Should Be A Woman’s Choice
7 October, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3bNgsiU
Conscientious objection does not belong in the Equality Act | Chris Barbara
7 October, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3vhzHss
Safe Abortion Day: The right to choose
2 October, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/348BzrF
WATCH: A Box Of Abortion Pills A Day Was Shipped To Maltese Women During COVID-19, Doctors For Choice Founder Reveals
29 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oH2pjY
Bodily autonomy is a fundamental right - Helena Dalli
28 September, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3vcL3Os
WATCH: Pro-Choice Activists Take ‘Abortion Pills’ Outside Parliament
28 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3f9jwIi
On international safe abortion day Helena Dalli says all women deserve right to 'body autonomy'
28 September, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/349wwY2
Still far to go for gender equality
27 September, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3vcJDn6
Woman has travel ban revoked after ‘abortion’ warrant sparks outrage
25 September, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3festQF
Court lifts travel ban on woman whose abusive partner claimed wanted abortion
25 September, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2TdpSOj
Misoginia istituzionale a Malta saudita
24 September, 2020 - TGCOM24. Read: https://bit.ly/3hNGoyS (Italian)
Abuse victim issued travel ban as partner claims she wants abortion
24 September, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2QJ7U5f
‘Pregnant Domestic Abuse Victim’ Denied Freedom To Travel After Partner Alleges She Wants An Abortion Abroad
24 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3yw87K8
Vittma ta’ allegat abbuż domestiku ma titħalliex isiefer għax is-sieħeb tagħha qal li se tagħmel abort
24 September, 2020 - Net News. Read: https://bit.ly/3vg6w98
PL Deputy Leader Says Malta Should Stop Sweeping Abortion Problem Under The Rug
20 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3vqnFNq
Sant on abortion debate: ‘shaming of pro choice voices must stop’
20 September, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3wwUfO7
Surrogacy, Birth Control, Weed And Divorce: Here Are Labour Women Forum’s Progressive Proposals
17 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/349vHhU
Maltese Women Requesting Help To Get Abortions Grew In The Pandemic, UK Charity Warns
16 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/346HwFy
New Pro-Choice Group Made Up Of Maltese Healthcare Workers Calls For Legalising Safe Abortion
13 September, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/31LdLZR
‘Flawed’ conscientious objection must be rejected by parliament, NGOs say
2 September, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3mpH2mb
Clear safeguards needed to balance rights of doctors and patients - NGOs
2 September, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3fKa6no
AUGUST 2020:
Malta’s Sex Health Policy Won’t Be Updated This Year, But Here’s Why We Can’t Wait
30 August, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3sU7cQn
‘Maltese women who want unbiased advice on reproduction face dire situation’
12 August, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3sWim7w
Get Free Sexual Health Advice With Malta’s New Pro-Choice Hotline
1 August, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2PBCvRJ
JULY 2020:
No, we are not our DNA
25 July, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3sTpfX8
MPs Like Therese Comodini Cachia Must Play Their Part In Changing Malta’s Abortion Laws, Women’s NGO Says
23 July, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3mli1bI
WATCH: Malta’s Abortion Law ‘Often Leaves Women In Difficult Situations’, Therese Comodini Cachia Says
22 July, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3wsv1RC
Abortion laws fit for purpose?
20 July, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3ulUAly
Jiddispjaċiha li għamlet abort iżda tibqa’ favur … “Xorta waħda nagħti s-sostenn tiegħi lil nisa oħra, tkun xi tkun l-għażla tagħhom”
17 July, 2020 - iNews. Read: https://bit.ly/2RcKnK5
Pro-Choice Activists Praise Helena Dalli For Commitment To Women’s Sexual Reproductive Rights
11 July, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3umxMCa
Government financing anti-human rights agenda by funding pro-life shelter, activists say
6 July, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3mmyRXJ
Malta Is Funding And Supporting An Extremist ‘Anti-Human Rights Agenda,’ Women’s Rights Coalition Warns
5 July, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3mmFklE
JUNE 2020:
IVF leave extended to single women and egg donors
26 June, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3wruEGV
Coronavirus: Women denied abortions because of the pandemic
24 June, 2020 - BBC. Watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-53158162
No Woman Should Live Her Life In Fear For Getting An Abortion, Maltese Women’s NGO Founder Says
23 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Watch/Read: https://bit.ly/39J1t8F
‘Still An Incubator’: Young Pro-Choice Activists Return To Valletta One Year Later
20 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3cVX705
Charities report rise in Maltese requests for abortion pills during lockdown
19 June, 2020 - The Guardian. Read: https://bit.ly/3oIAz79
Rape Victims Among Maltese Women Who Requested Abortion Pill From Overseas Charities During COVID-19
19 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3yA3heM
Overseas charities note increase in Maltese women requesting abortion pills during COVID-19
19 June, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3uaLWpl
92 talba minn Malta għall-pilloli abortivi matul Marzu u April - ix-xhur tal-pandemija
19 June, 2020 - Illum. Read: https://bit.ly/3u8973D
Alfred Sant: Abortion Is A Civil Right In EU And Malta Needs To Have A Serious Debate
17 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oGBaGk
Malta’s women find their voice in growing pro choice movement
17 June, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3hJWjxR
Safe Platform Looking To Turn Malta’s Personal Stories On Abortion Ban Into One Collective Voice Is Launched
13 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oI18cx
Ни по цену живота жене на Малти не смеју да прекину трудноћу
13 June, 2020 - PTC. Read: https://bit.ly/3fzR418 (Serbian)
HOROR NA OTOKU USRED MEDITERANA: 'ONI SU IRSKA NA STEROIDIMA!' Pobačaj je u potpunosti zabranjen, a sa zatvaranjem granica počela je kalvarija žena
12 June, 2020 - Jutarnji. Read: https://bit.ly/3fDaHFI (Croatian)
How Malta's abortion taboo leaves women in despair
11 June, 2020 - The Guardian. Read: https://bit.ly/3ug6IUC
At Least 58 Women In Malta Had An Abortion In The UK In 2019
11 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3yGofcj
58 mara Maltija għamlet abort fir-Renju Unit is-sena l-oħra biss
11 June, 2020 - Illum. Read: https://bit.ly/3bNj93S
58 women from Malta had an abortion in the UK last year
11 June, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/2SkQ2hH
Pro-Choice NGOs: ‘Malta Doesn’t Have To Wait For A New Sexual Health Policy To Make Contraceptives Essential’
9 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3favLUY
Malta’s First And Only Sexual Health Policy Hasn’t Been Updated In A Decade
5 June, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oHSquW
Oral Contraceptive Pill to be addressed in sexual health policy later this year - Health Ministry
2 June, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3yxF352
‘Oral contraceptive pills should be classified as 'essential' - Malta Medical Students Association
1 June, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3hOp24S
MAY 2020:
Oral contraceptive pills should be free - PN
29 May, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oHJKEH
Malta Should Consider Contraceptives As Essential And Prescription-Free, Equality Secretary Says
28 May, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3fBuzsQ
Melita contra mundum - Martin Scicluna
27 May, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3bQ19Gi
Malta Is Running Low On Contraceptives, But It’s Not Considered An Essential Medicine Anyway
26 May, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3fDrIzB
Malta looks to Ireland in campaign for legal abortion
25 May, 2020 - RTE. Read: https://bit.ly/3hOc2Mj
Aborto e maternità sono diventate due parole tabù per le donne europee
23 May, 2020 - Linkiesta. Read: https://bit.ly/2Te1DiY (Italian)
Challenging the abortion taboo | Isabel Stabile
18 May, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3u7kd9a
Unauthorised Abortion Pills Being Sold In Malta As Travel Ban Leaves Desperate Women With No Options
18 May, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3ywrTVY
Fake abortion pills targeting Maltese women on Facebook, activists warn
16 May, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/34965lb
COVID-19: Ensure women’s access to sexual and reproductive health and rights
7 May, 2020 - Council of Europe. Read: https://bit.ly/3bNxa1o
Supremacy of freedom of conscience – Martin Scicluna
6 May, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3wpqM8A
Science should guide all our health policies... including abortion
5 May, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/3fdVQCu
APRIL 2020:
Only One Maltese MEP Voted For EU States To Guarantee Safe Abortion During The COVID-19 Pandemic
24 April, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3oE1Zeo
European Parliament asks EU states to ensure abortion access during pandemic
22 April, 2020 - Voice for Choice. Read: https://bit.ly/346H3mD
Freedom of conscience cuts both ways - Martin Scicluna
22 April, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3vhwKIo
Abortion is a woman’s right
20 April, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3fCXWuB
Plight of women seeking abortion worsened by COVID-19 flight ban - Commonwealth NGO
16 April, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2xqH1JV
Safe abortion should permitted especially in these difficult times - CYGEN
15 April, 2020 - Television Malta (TVM). Read: https://bit.ly/2Vdplu3 (EN), https://bit.ly/2ykS0Vj (MLT)
Polish Parliament Must Reject Regressive Proposals on Sexual and Reproductive Rights
14 April, 2020 - Centre for Reproductive Rights. Read: https://bit.ly/2RCdRyd
100 European civil society groups urger Malta to urgently reform abortion laws: ‘Women’s health and lives are at risk’
9 April, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3b4s5Qa
European governments must ensure safe and timely access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic
8 April, 2020 - Centre for Reproductive Rights. Read: https://bit.ly/2RwGvAM
Europe: Failures to guarantee safe access to abortion endangers health of women, girls amid COVID-19
8 April, 2020 - Amnesty International. Read: https://bit.ly/2yPwzf6
Joint civil society statement: European governments must ensure safe and timely access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic
8 April, 2020 - Human Rights Watch. Read: https://bit.ly/2wDTglW
“Ensure abortion is treated as essential healthcare” – Voice for Choice
8 April, 2020 - Television Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3coconh (EN), https://bit.ly/2V0vVUJ (MLT)
Malta fost sitt pajjiżi Ewropej mitluba jirriformaw il-liġijiet tal-abort b’mod urġenti
8 April, 2020 - iNews. Read: https://bit.ly/2V4Fty5
Il-COVID-19 iżidit-talbiet għall-għajnuna dwar l-abort
4 April, 2020 - iNews. Read: https://bit.ly/3a5bf22
Impact of COVID-19 on women in Malta seeking abortion: An overview
1 April, 2020 - Voice for Choice Blog. Read: https://bit.ly/2yonTfv
Spike in Maltese women seeking abortion help amid flight ban – UK charity
1 April, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2R0D0Cv
COVID-19 Travel restrictions harm women in Malta seeking abortions abroad, Abortion Support Network warns
1 April, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2Ux4S3d
MARCH 2020:
Malta: Abortion online
26 March, 2020 - CafeBabel #blueborders. Read: https://bit.ly/2V0ay5U
Malta’s pro-choice doctors warn of increased barriers to safe abortion amidst COVID-19 travel bans
21 March, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3ee0UUV
This short film might make you question your stance on Malta’s most divisive taboo
8 March, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2xrl2SO
A Malta l’aborto è un reato, ma si è aperta una breccia
8 March, 2020 - Il Manifesto. Read: https://bit.ly/2VB1y6D
Abortion surveys…and what they suggest about the future of abortion in Malta
29 February, 2020 - Voice for Choice Blog. Read: https://bit.ly/3aaLI8M
Pro-choice activists message to president of Malta: The pro-lifers you met form part of a dangerous echo chamber
24 February, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2V49PR6
Malta’s medical doctors: No to total ban on abortion
20 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2vI07tX
Abortion debate: Between progress, Catholic morality and patriarchy
19 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2JXD6GO
At least 53 women in Malta got an abortion in 2018
16 February, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2JWiq24
82 women in Malta contacted UK charity for help with abortion
14 February, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3a042Ap
82 women contacted Abortino Support Network in 2019
14 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2XGkYtt
82 women ask for help from Abortion Support Network
14 February, 2020 - Television Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2VqvpOX (EN), https://bit.ly/2xglEee (MLT)
82 women in Malta contacted UK charity for help with abortion
14 February, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3b4vmio
10 women in Malta received funding by UK charity for abortions over the past year
14 February, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3cbv0qd
Pro-choice doctors call for abortion to be decriminalised in position paper
6 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2WZucQP
Doctors for Choice request that abortion no longer remains totally prohibited
5 February, 2020 - Television Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2R1x3VJ (EN), https://bit.ly/2xzgsBZ (MLT)
This absolute ban on abortion is not found in any other EU member state
5 February, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/3dKK6oc
Abortion is a healthcare issue pro-choice doctors group says
4 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2UOu1FA
Pro-choice coalition condemns George Vella’s anti-abortion speech
3 February, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2UxsULo
The problem with Malta’s president calling abortion murder
2 February, 2020 - Voice for Choice Blog. Read: https://bit.ly/2xFXWrj
Here’s a rare site: A Maltese politician has actually stood up for pro-choice activists
31 January, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2JuXsHe
Tikkundanna kummenti rigward attivisti favur id-drittijiet riproduttivi tal-mara
31 January, 2020 - One News. Read: https://bit.ly/3bDtXPv
Malta’s regressive anti-choice groups
29 January, 2020 - Voice for Choice Blog. Read: https://bit.ly/2xAOeqk
Maltese abortion activists hugely disappointed president George Vella is addressing pro-life rally
28 January, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/2UJcWMY
President should stay away from anti-abortion protest
28 January, 2020 - The Independent. Read: https://bit.ly/2UxtsAW
Pro-choice group slams president’s decision to address anti-abortion manifestation
28 January, 2020 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/39B6TPX
Jisħqu li l-preżenza tal-President f'manifestazzjoni kontra l-abort hija 'insult'
28 January, 2020 - Illum. Read: https://bit.ly/3aDzUMA
Urtati għax il-President se jitkellem kontra l-abort – il-President jirreaġixxi
28 January, 2020 - Television Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/39Q8L8n
Voice for Choice coalition - President should keep away from anti-abortion protest
28 January, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/39IxCuH
H.E. George Vella’s address at the ‘Manifestation in favour of Life’ is an astounding insult to all those who care about civil rights and equality in our country
28 January, 2020 - Voice for Choice Blog. Read: https://bit.ly/3dKFxdy
Abortions in Malta: How many?
22 January, 2020 - Il-Barrani. Read: http://bit.ly/2SPkYDd
Malta’s Pro-Choice Coalition voices scepticism at report Joseph Muscat plans to campaign for abortion
14 January, 2020 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2woBkLB
Abortion: Women’s rights not politicians’ fiefdom – Pro-choice coalition
13 January, 2020 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2UVDe0r
Looking back at 2019: 'Women aloud' on reproductive rights
31 December, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2FHLic6
Maltese doctors do not agree with total ban on abortion, survey finds
20 November, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/35HTa8c
30 school girls in Malta got pregnant during the last scholastic year, some as young as 14
12 November, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/38b1HCr
Malta's Book Council Head comes out swinging against Spazju Kreattiv over anti-abortion movie
30 October, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2R96SM9
Malta sets stage for abortion debate
19 October, 2019 - BBC News. Read: https://bbc.in/2OHjs4W
The premiere of 'Unplanned': the depictino of truth or anti-abortion propganda
16 October, 2019 - The Malta Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/35Npzdm
Leitrim ARC at the very first rally for choice in Malta
10 October, 2019 - Abortion Rights Campaign. Read: http://bit.ly/2tWAtQN
Abortion: Is the taboo broken? (Or is the pro-choice movement another bubble?)
9 October, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/3a3HyzW
La condizione delle donne a Malta
9 October, 2019 - TGCOM24. Read: http://bit.ly/36NAoxB
Is the abortion band behind Malta having the highest rate of infant deaths in the EU?
8 October, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2TlofvR
Aborto: primo raduno pro-choice nella storia di Malta
1 October, 2019 - TGCOM24. Read: http://bit.ly/2TjgNSa
Doctors for Choice respond to Marion’s true story
1 October, 2019 - Women for Women Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/30hdRqh
'We are here and we are not going away' - Andrea Dibben
30 September, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2tP6LNU
Watch: Valletta hosts pro-life and pro-choice gatherings on safe abortion day
28 September, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/36YcWOp
Abortion: Two rallies, one in favour, the other against, held in Valletta
28 September, 2019 - Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/2t05545
In Photos: Malta's frist-ever pro-choice rally
28 September, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/30f1V8u
Young Progressive Beings: A new youth organisation has been set up in Malta and they're fighting for change
28 September, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: https://bit.ly/3cg6vbI
'The world is not black or white ': Pro-choice campaigner urges empathy ahead of Malta's first ever rally
28 September, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2QLZvLr
Ritratti: Attivitajet favur u kontra l-abort fil-Belt Valletta
28 September, 2019 - Illum. Read: http://bit.ly/2Tf3D8q
Watch: Pro-choice and pro-life lobbies face off on safetry of abortion
28 September, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/3a5uQ3q
Attivisti favur u kontra l-għażla tal-abort jiltaqgħu il-Belt
28 September, 2019 - Newsbook. Read: http://bit.ly/36ObsGi
Nel paese delle madri per forza
27 September, 2019 - Grazia. Read: http://bit.ly/2Nlt5W5
This year 43 women in Malta sought help to have an abortion - Abortion Support Network
26 September, 2019 - Television Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Pniyel (EN), http://bit.ly/36v7QbE (MLT)
F'seba xhur mijiet ta' nisa Maltin talbu informazzjoni dwar il-pillola abortiva
26 September, 2019 - Illum. Read: http://bit.ly/2PmC230
43 Maltese women sought overseas abortion information, NGO says
26 September, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/30eAP1r
'I almost lost my life because Maltese doctors refused to terminate an unviable pregnancy'
26 September, 2019 - Women for Women Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2FH3jav
'Maltese women are having abortions, that's the reality', pro-choice activist says
25 September, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2FJqAZK
Abortion activists prepare Malta's first pro-choice rally - Voice for Choice
25 September, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2PRsaNy
Malta's first pro-choice rally will take place this Saturday - Voice for Choice
25 September, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/36CjFg7
AUGUST 2019:
Throwing out the bathwater with the baby - Mara Clarke - Abortion Support Network
5 August, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2Tad3A7
A Malta nasce il movimento per il diritto all’aborto
5 August, 2019 - Internazionale. Read: http://bit.ly/2YtROiN
JULY 2019:
Malta’s pro-choice doctors call for legal change to protect mothers whose lives are in danger
27 July, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2LJTEoV
Malta is the last EU country to have a full ban on abortion
27 July, 2019 - The Economist. Read: https://econ.st/2OE2yGN
L’unico paese europeo dove l’aborto è ancora totalmente illegale
26 July, 2019 - ilPost. Read: http://bit.ly/30VcFbe
Europe’s patchwork of abortion laws is absurd. Rights must be made universal
24 July, 2019 - The Guardian. Read: http://bit.ly/2SacxmH
Il-politika dwar is-saħħa sesswali trid tiġi riveduta
17 July, 2019 - iNews Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/31NFgBj
Malta Today Survey | No change in Malta’s anti-abortion attitudes
15 July, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: https://bit.ly/2QDYjts
Malta’s Fledging movement for abortion rights
15 July, 2019 - The Atlantic. Read: http://bit.ly/30FiHgl
Malta has second worst rate of syphilis cases in Europe in 2017
12 July, 2019 - The Malta Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/37aeZxR
The first openly pro-choice doctor runs for the Malta Medical Council election
4 July, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2SgPcyj
“On the issue of which life should be protected, whether that of the pregnant girl or the baby that is growing inside of her, the international Court of Justice states that [the life] of an adolescent girl is above anything else.”
1 July, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Y71Ghh
“Il-maġġoranza ta’ nisa Ii jkollhom abort ma jsofru l-ebda dannu fiżiku jew mentali”
1 July, 2019 - L-Orrizzont. Read: http://bit.ly/2LQ5hcZ
JUNE 2019:
Doctors for Choice Malta - What do we aim to achieve ?
30 June, 2019 - The Malta Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/2XJNKuj
Voices for Freedom and Choice
24 June, 2019 - THINK. Read: http://bit.ly/2JEuy7o
'The threat is too great'
20 June, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2Jzex3L
"Mara hija inkubatur meta tkompli bit-tqala kontra r-rieda tagħha"
18 June, 2019 - L-Orizzont. Read: http://bit.ly/2XIJL1b
Minister non-committal on emergency contraception for rape victims
18 June, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2SamaSB
‘Shoot them in the head one by one’: Facebook user reported to police
17 June, 2019 – Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/39i1LR3
“...couples are suffering as a result of Malta’s ban on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)”
17 June, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Jz4tYG
Rape victims still not provided with emergency contraception at public general hospital despite promise - Women’s Rights Foundation
17 June, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2YSuJSK
Tobba favur li l-morning after pill tingħata fl-isptar - Doctors for Choice Malta
17 June, 2019 - iNews Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2xNJNoS
Malta’s Office of the Commissioner for Children (OCC) has given a tentative green light for the government to pursue the UN’s recommendations for the sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls, which includes the safe access to abortion and post-abortion services.
15 June, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2XKpnI9
Pro-Choice activists demonstrate as EU summit delegates arrive at Castille
14 June, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/30AgFy2
Welcome to Malta where women and girls are just incubators - Pro-choice activists
14 June, 2019 - The Malta Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/2LmLbHU
Women in Valletta carry pro-abortion banners
14 June, 2019 - Television Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2XPIEb3
‘Women are just incubators here’, activists tell EU leaders
14 June, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Sr1Drz
Decriminalisation of abortion recommended by United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Children
13 June, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2GbazMO
UN’s Children’s Rights Committee Calls On Malta To Decriminalise Abortion And Ensure Its Safe Access In The Country
10 June, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2LlofJ0
Anti-abortion activist accused of giving rogue advice in Malta
8 June, 2019 - The Times (UK). Read: http://bit.ly/2SxS9Lt
Maltese women getting false abortion advice from Irish anti-abortionist activist
8 June, 2019- Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Sc6NYh
The realities of a difficult pregnancy
8 June, 2019 - thebalkanista.com Read: http://bit.ly/2OD0P20
Leading Maltese gynaecologist urges the government to legalise pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
6 June, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2LSSlDp
Deception and intimidation by anti-abortion groups in Malta
6 June, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2XFuQVe
Women facing 'deception and intimidation' when seeking overseas abortion, pro-choice groups claim
6 June, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2skldNt
Social media shifts abortion attitudes in Malta/A small island’s biggest taboo - Break the Taboo / Doctors for Choice Malta
5 June, 2019 - Hinterland Magazine (UK). Read: http://bit.ly/2LQ48lL or http://bit.ly/3bsyMw7 (page 38)
MAY 2019:
Abortion: a medical, not a political issue - Doctors for Choice Malta
27 May, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2LSN7as
Abortion debate goes mainstream in Malta
24 May, 2019 - Politico. Read: https://politi.co/2YT0FXh
Facing The Toughest Decision Alone And In Silence: A Look At The Maltese Stories In The Abortion Debate - Break the Taboo
22 May, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2Y0EeSH
Doctors for Choice Malta aim for a healthy society
12 May, 2019 - The Malta Independent. Read: http://bit.ly/2XIl8Bv
Doctors for Choice Malta join the Voice for Choice coalition
9 May, 2019 - Doctors for Choice Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2NWKJCg
‘Do You Actually Want To Send Young Maltese Women To Prison For Getting Abortions?’
8 May, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2NVrmJR
''Servizzi moħbija jistgħu jwasslu għal proċeduri perikolużi'' - Doctors for Choice Malta
7 May, 2019 - iNews Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/30xXl4s
Il-lat negattiv tal-Prinċipju tad-Doppju Effett f’Malta: “Irrabjata għaliex it-tobba Maltin qatt ma tawni għażla.”
4 May, 2019 - iNews Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2xK2mdE
Safe access to abortion is a healthcare issue - Doctors for Choice Malta launch
2 May, 2019 - Times of Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/30wXcho
New doctors’ group calls for safe accessible abortion in Malta - Doctors for Choice Malta launch
2 May, 2019 - Malta Today. Read: http://bit.ly/2xJIYxr
Doctors for Choice: Maltese medical professionals band together to advocate for safe access to abortion
2 May, 2019 - Lovin Malta. Read: http://bit.ly/2yS5mVY
APRIL 2019:
On abortion in the context of Malta: A medical doctor’s perspective
3 April, 2019 - Isles of the Left. Read: http://bit.ly/30AgUsW